Whether it be Chloe or Gucci, Fendi or Balenciaga, a hit handbag is the ultimate style statement for the famous and fashionable, and here are some of our favourites... First up, it's a super-sized cream leather hold-all for style trailblazer Sienna to tote around all her essentials - and quite possibly the kitchen sink - in.
Chanel or Gucci? Chanel or Gucci? Chanel or...oh, darn it, I'll just have to take both! We wished we faced such agonising decisions every morning as heiress Miss Hilton.
Sister Nicky seems to be a little more decisive and opts for just one drop-dead gorgeous designer handbag as she steps out nonchalantly swinging a much-coveted Balenciaga from her arm...
...though that's the trouble with it bags, there's alwayss the chance that some other - and clearly far less original - celeb will suddenly steal your style statement and start sporting the same bag as you, the cheek of it!
The O.C. stunner Mischa Barton makes a bid for originality in a large, studded purple suede bag and there'll be no copying that.